Unity Progress
May 27, 2024
It has been a while since we've gotten an update from the command center. I've heard dissent among the ranks. Some think command will end up like former General Float. But note that this will NOT happen! And why, you may ask?
Because implementing UI is freaking hard, my goodness..........
And life, of course. Life is still going strong.
That said, we have made a lot of progress on the unity version of AA! You may remember the last update being a tech demo, well we've moved on from that, as you can see in the screenshots below.
The first area is fully made, just not fully implemented yet. Development is a roller coaster, because implementing counter attacking for the enemies has made the landmines and barricades hostile. And they hurt (let's just say the APC was dead within 2 turns, whoops). However, enemies can move, attack and look semi-intelligent, even as we continue to improve their behaviour.
The second screenshot shows another reason it took long. If you look closely, you'll see that this does not contain most of the original UI assets. Why? Because they aren't here 😒 (thanks, digitalchocolate...). This means we redrew most parts ourselves. Most icons were included by a stroke of luck, but the biggest chunk of the HUD wasn't. This did give us the opportunity to revamp parts of the HUD to make it more clean and easier to navigate. We're not done yet (hooray for the menus in menus), but we're learning every day how to implement it faster and better!
As for what's left before we have the first area playable? Well, the submenus like the shop and mission tabs is likely the biggest portion. We'll have to improve the enemy AI (pathfinding, targetselection, etc) and bugfix it. There's still the animations left to do, as well as the production buildings and a framework for the missions. Even so, we'll keep working on it!
From the front lines,
Still yours,
- Major Lancelot